Ed Johnson-Williams' microblog

The devil will be in the detail but it looks like the UK government will actually start funding toddler childcare properly soon according to the Guardian.

The plan would provide an extra 30 hours a week to parents of one- and two-year olds

[and] increase the hourly rate paid to childcare providers by the government to deliver their existing 30 hours weekly entitlement

It's too late for my family. But it'll make the world of difference to parents like my brother and sister-in-law who were looking at £1k a month in London. For the government, it should pay for itself with increased tax revenue by allowing more people to work when they've got toddlers.


Budget 2023: Jeremy Hunt to announce £4bn boost for childcare in England

Pippa Crerar

Exclusive: Chancellor will promise to provide extra 30 hours a week to parents of one- and two-year olds


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